Call me crazy but today was the first day this month that I stayed home and did absolutely nothing except eat, sleep, eat some more, and watched Breakfast at Tiffany's while I painted my nails. They're evergreen. Shame they won't stay green forever, they'll probably be nice and chipped by the time I board the plane to LA next friday.
Had my first exam on Tuesday, I'd like to say I pulled it off pretty damn good considering I read 1.4 out of the 3 books in the course. My second and last exam is this Monday, which I designated today to study but fuck I did fuckall. I could've spent it at Robert's, I really would love to, but truth is his family needs a rest from me. I'm there every other day. I eat dinner there about 3-4 times a week, at my place, about twice.
So it's 5:11 PM. Have I cracked open the lecture notes? No. The thing is, she gave us the final examination already. I know what I have to write the two essays on. But they're intense, and because we know beforehand, she's gonna be a hardass.
I bought these cowboy boots from Aldo and my left baby toe kinda hurts. Maybe I'm not doing it right? Yesterday when we went for a walk Robert did mention that I was walking like I didn't have ankles (I wasn't "bending" allegedly). In high school, I was one of those kids that thought I would
-never wear heels
-always wear converse
-never wear boots
And look at me now. I only wear my converse sneakers to work because they're run down and I don't care if I spill coffee and milk all over them. Damn growing up, it always sneaks up on you. Always used to straighten my hair with a flat iron, religiously. I have this urge to blowdry my hair with curlers in them. Ahhhh
I always thought I would only like Dickies purses or ones with obnoxiously loud patterns and prints, like my old "Looking Good for Jesus" grocery bag. Now I can't stand to be caught with it outside, it's so loud. I'm completely in love with my sister's old Holt Renfrew oliveskin leather bag, with floral stitch embroidery detail and subtle gold studs. Listen to me. Yikes.
Still on that Bran rage. I'm starting to sprinkle it in my yogurt too. By the way, cherry yogurt? Why didn't we meet before?
This Skid's Sched
Thursday: Work 10-4, more "studying" afterwards. (I agree with Chris, the thought of studying in itself is a processed form of studying, so I've been studying all day)
Friday: Work 12-6, then possibly Dan's barbeque with Ali and Nicole.
Saturday: Study session with Edward at the library
Sunday: Work 9-2, more cramming. I'm going to have to memorize 2 essays to write for my exam, each with 6 source examples.
Monday: World Art exam 8-11, work after.
Tuesday: Work 6:30-12
Wednesday: Hopefully off
Thursday: 10-4, maybe love my boyfriend one last time.
Friday: I'm off to El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula ("The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels
Maybe go celeb hunting. Because I'm fixated like that. But of course, not before I shower my Lola with love and hugs and kisses, but not before I coax her into recognizing who I am (Last time I saw her I was 10), and not before I go shopping and perhaps swimming. Never was a swimmer. But it's not like I can go clubbing (21 is the American 19).

see that arm beside you... thats mine.
ReplyDeleteit was there with the obnoxious bag and its there with the olive bag.