Exhibit A:
I've made it a habit to keep at the pee-yano. Been piecing the theme song from UP little by little.
Taking a stab at it after a couple days:
After a couple weeks:
The more I record the more I hear the out-of-tune in my piano, that Baldwin hasn't been tuned in over 20 years. It's starting to be more than a little irksome. Not sure if you can hear it but it's all I can think about.
Next song I plan to slay:
The Great Escape by Patrick Watson, which by the way has replaced Pink Floyd's The Great Gig in the Sky as my nighttime lullaby.
Rob insists that the guy singing sounds like Herbert that dirty old man from Family Guy.

In other news, a couple Mondays ago I was working the usual nightshift with Tania at the coffee shop. Towards 9 p.m. I looked out the wall-size windows only to find myself face-to-face with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 police cars. At first I figured they really needed a co-off-fee and donut run, but they ended up swarming Miami Grill a couple doors down. The journalist in me itched to barge up to the cop outside with his two-way radio and interrogate the shit out of the situation. Plus my friend Reut was waitressing inside at the time and I do concern myself with her safety (most of the time). But the guy hurried inside after our 18-second staring contest (He won). I met up with Reut at the end of the night and she told me the story. Poor guy tried to off himself over a girl, or that's what I hear. Oddly enough, the same stand-off happened at my high school over the same reason years ago in the cafeteria. Hmmm.
Amidst all the deadlines of filming my feature and writing an essay studying for an exam and polishing off a psych assignment, I got to meet and film Alan Cross for our interview for our TV Production Techniques class. So glad I glided on a stick of deodorant that morning. Let's just say in the entertainment business, time really is money, and according to Alan Cross' intern, the most he could ever get from Alan is 15 minutes. So we hustled to film an interview in under 15 minutes, when we should've had an hour.

Amanada psyched outside in the lobby.

This one's for you Kyle, you Pearl Jam fiend.

Ongoing History of New Music used to be my bedtime stories, back when I had an alarm clock radio and not an iPhone.

Look closely and you'll see a signed David Bowie album flanking the Windex bottle. Apologies for the shaky still, I must've felt like I was doing something illegal.
In related news news, I got to cover a press conference at the Hockey Hall of Fame in early March. Pretty sweet, considering it was a conference to announce Hershey's Chocolate's partnership with the NHL. Free chocolate bars? Free crepes? Free Nick Kyprios autograph? A life-size replica of the Stanley Cup in solid milk chocolate?! Sah-weet. It's events like this that tempt me to just go into PR with my degree.

Nick Kyprios, former Stanley Cup winner and now works for Sportsnet.

The chef chocolatier, maker of the choco-cup.

So maybe I stuffed my purse and the camera bag with chocolate bars. They just kept cranking out more and more chocolate after you'd take some. It was a crime not to gorge. See Homer Simpson in the Land of Chocolate.

There was no time for the crepes. We were too busy shooting and interviewing all the tasty yuppies.
Let me just add that if you got this far, you are a trooper, I warned you with "Dump" did I not?
I gotta go in to work at the coffee shop tonight, it's the last day before Passover starts so we'll be closed until next Wednesday. I leave for LA Thursday so that means no work for a very long time, which means I might as well be a good lassie and help Ezra close tonight. It's not as easy as you think to close for Passover. You need to get rid of everything that is not Kosher for Passover, so like all our pastries, syrups, coffee, milk, etc. etc. must be shied away and hidden in our cupboards. It's an excruciating process, but eh, might as well since I won't be seeing my customers for almost 3 weeks after that.

I'm way too fixated on this design, ever since I figured out how to glob it on like that I've been jumping to top off every Caramel Corretto in said fashion.
I saw Mr. Kraus last Friday and he offered me a waitress gig at Cafe Sheli for the summer, just in case I want some extra hours. I've been mulling it over in my head. More tips, change of scenery, meet new people, good experience. Why not? Well, why is it that I would feel like a traitor if Ezra found out I was working for someone else on the side? Hmmmm. I gotta save up money for September though. If I play my cards right, I'll be interning in Montreal or Halifax with CTV for 6 weeks. I need all the moolah I can get.
Rob and I went to see King Tut last Thursday finally. We paid for the 3D Egypt movie that was more like a half-hour special on Egypt's mysteries, re-enacted by modern day actors in costumes. It was okay. We were a bit disappointed to find that King Tut was not actually there, just his treasured items. I loved it. I love gold. Rob thinks it's super cheesy but it happens to compliment my skin tone unlike white gold. Bleh. The beginning of the exhibit was a good laugh. They had Harrison Ford narrating a little intro before you could go through the doors, kind of like at Laser Quest before they open the gates. After his last line the tall wooden doors open-sesamed on their own, I couldn't help but smile.
Afterwards we strolled over to Salad King by Ryerson and shared some Pad Thai. Rob went a little picture-happy on me after I commented on my flat nose. Thus the first one being a profile shot. The other 2 are just Rob trying to get one of those hey-lookit-my-girlfriend-in-my-wallet photos.

Now I promise you I will never prolong my blogging ways this much again.
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